Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Vegetarian, Vegan.. how do they do it??

I'm usually opposed to New Years resolutions because, well, they don't work. Most people promise to eat better or lose weight, go to the gym more often. What this really means is the organic grocery store and the local gym are packed the whole month of January, then die down the rest of the year. However, this year, I gave myself a resolution.

My father is a Jesus-freak, vegan, conspiracy-theorist, Sicilian. Makes sense, right? Well, if my multiple tattoos aren't sending me straight to hell (being the mark of the devil and all), then McDonald's was my downfall as a child. Apparently, I ate too much fast food as a child, which is why I now have MS. This coming from a man who I have barely seen since I was about 5 is hysterical. Not to mention the fact that thousands of scientists around the globe have yet to figure out what really causes MS, but my Dr. Dad knows all. This all seems like pointless info but, there is a point, I swear:

My New Years resolution this year was to become a vegetarian for 6 months and if I could hack it without wanting to kill myself, or some poor, unsuspecting cow on N.W. 25th Street, then I would go full vegan. The purpose? Dr. Daddy seems to think that if I become a vegan it will cure all that ails me. Suddenly, my MS will disappear. Forget all the studies that have been done, forget the lack of research in this area, forget the fact that holistic medicine/food isn't a proven science. Forget the fact that there are millions of children that LIVE OFF OF fast food (and I was NOT one of them, if anything too much Cuban food was my downfall) and they are fine. If I become a vegan, I will be cured. Ok, dad, I will try. I figure one of two, potentially good, things will happen: either (a) I will not be cured and I can prove him wrong and tell him to leave me alone, or (b) it actually does work and I am cured. Either way, I win.

I'm still on month one. I've been ok so far, I haven't had really intense cravings for any animals. But, I've noticed something not good about this whole thing: in my quest to "cure" my MS I have been eating really terribly! I spend so much time and energy trying to avoid animal fat that I end up eating too much junk food. I eat a tiny salad for lunch, go to school starving and end up eating pretzels or a snack bar. I'm not normally a junk food person, but I can't help it! Being a vegetarian requires too much time, which is a luxury not afforded one with a full-time job who goes to school full-time, as well. I get home most days at 10pm, if I'm lucky, do you really think I want to make food?? No. I want to pass by Boston Market and get an Asian Chicken Salad, or go to Subway and order a Turkey sandwich on whole wheat, with no mayo. Although, both of these places are technically "fast food," my choices aren't horrible. I don't mind cooking, when there is time. I have no time for such things. How am I supposed to be a vegetarian with no time? I know there are frozen vegan entrees you can buy, but doesn't this sort of defeat the purpose? If all the chemicals in our foods are what's making us sick, then frozen foods can't be good, tofu or not.

Any vegetarians/vegans want to help??