Thursday, January 19, 2006

Office Space

"So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life."

Office Space was such a good movie.

Did you know that the concept of "age discrimination" is only written for older people? It isn't illegal for someone not to hire you because you're too young. In fact, I think it's a rule, law, or something, that the president cannot be younger than a specific age. Just because you're old(er) does not mean you're useless and can't do a job well. Just because you're young doesn't mean you're ignorant or flighty. It works both ways, people!!!

I've never had a problem with age discrimination, as far as attaining a job. Well, not that I know of, but then again, most of my jobs have been clerical-type positions, which younger people usually occupy. However, I do have a problem with a co-worker. One of my co-workers is someone I've known since I'm about 19. She is actually my ex's mother. Before I worked with her we got along really well. Since working together I have never been so annoyed by anyone more in my life. Probably because we didn't speak all that often. Our relationship consisted of me eating her food and closing myself in her son's room for hours on end. Well, the problem I have now is because she's older and has known me from my goth-punk days 10 years ago, she thinks she's the boss of me. We both hold the same title and pay. I've actually had the job longer, so you might say I have more seniority. Not to mention, I have way more education. But, she still thinks, or kisses ass, like she's one of the bosses. I have to be polite. I can't tell her off, like I want to do on most days, but how am I supposed to deal with her? I try to avoid her as much as possible, but this is a weird situation where we're supposed to be a very close-knit division. How do you politely tell someone to back off and to stop being such a raging pain in the ass??

We had a meeting today to look at some software changes that we need to know about. She went into the room and just took over!! "Please leave the screen shots on MY desk.." or "I'LL change the manual to show that.." Is she kidding me?? She's about as technical as my big toe. Not to mention I'm the one who created everything and now she's taken it upon herself to edit it. Well, good job, lady. You can insert periods and commas really well!!

In this damn office I've quickly learned that networking and ass-kissing are two very necessary evils. I bust my ass and go well beyond my job description when necessary, but the only people to get recognized are the ass kissers (read above). Ass kissing and age are the important things around here. Everyone assumes because I'm younger, she knows more. Everyone assumes because she's such a fake person, and great at ass kisser, that she's more important. Everyone assumes that she's the boss of me. SHE'S NOT, DAMNIT! I quit.

I'll stop bitching now.


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