Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Jack of all trades, master of none...

At the supermarket last night I overheard a mother talking to her very dorky teenage daughter about a grade she had gotten on a paper she wrote. Apparently, the girl isn't the best writer, so she got a B on her paper. I think a B isn't too bad. The mother thought otherwise. She wasn't mean, but she made it clear that she was disappointed in this and that the girl had to try harder.

I always want something better. Someone better, something better, I can always do better. Not necessarily better than you, just better, in general. But, your opinion will matter, of course. I care too much about what other people think. I think it's the cuban in me. "What will the neighbors think??"

I've also aways been a 'jack of all trades and master of none.' I do things well enough not to suck, but not excellent. I draw, I paint, I'm crafty, I cook, I (sort of) write. I do not excel at any of these, I do them well enough to be noticed. I get good grades, not necessarily because I am smart, but because I memorize. I memorize enough to do well for the moment and then it's all gone the next day.

I was never one of those people that knew what they wanted to be a zoo keeper from age 5. I have never been interested enough in anything to want to make it a career, and at the same time, everything has always interested me. I've changed majors more times than I care to admit (yes, I am still in school, bite me). This time I hope to stick with what I've chosen. Why have I chosen this particular major? Because I want to be better. I want to have a life better than what I currently have. Not that my life is terrible, I really can't complain, but I'm never satisfied. I always have to push myself farther and with a degree I can make more money. Money is a big factor. It's not that I'm particularly interested in the government or computers, but it makes a decent living and that concerns me. I want to be comfortable. I don't need to be loaded, just comfortable.

Will this be the case all the time? With career? With life? With love? What if I get married and/or have kids? Am I going to want to trade them in for something better later on? Will I be one of those horrible parents that is never satisfied with their kids or their abilities? Fuck, I hope not.


Blogger gotbrains? said...

Haha.. your parents are awesome, Vickie.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's great to better yourself, but the one problem you have is that you don't have a singular goal. Try setting goals for yourself, or set several small ones that can help to ultimately achieve a greater goal. That strategy helped me when I was swamped in credit card debt. Paying off $12,000 in credit card debt is a good feeling. Too bad I'm practically there again. Being a homeowner can sometimes suck.

4:50 PM  

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