Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"I see," said the blind woman.

Why are some women so blind? Maybe I'm one of them and I don't even know it. You see your man isn't acting normal, he's being shadey, whatever.. and still you don't want to see the truth. Is it better to look the other way, than to be alone? Do you really want to live with that kind of disrespect?

I don't think I'll ever be one of those women. If I get even a tiny inkling that I'm being disrespected, I will tail your ass. If we're married, I will pay someone to follow you. And, I will get a good one that isn't all obvious. You won't know they're there. Although, in reality, cheating has no bearing in divorce proceedings in the state of Florida (it being a 'no-fault' state and all), but I'd still want to know. I may even have you videotaped, or photographed and post them everywhere I know you'll go. Send them to every family member and friend you have. The truth will set me free.

Recently, I've heard of 2 cases of cheating boyfriends. Both women were stupid, in my opinion. Woman #1 paid a private detective $5,000 to go on a cruise that her boyfriend was on. He caught him with two other women and took pictures. My problem with this is, first of all, it's a BOYFRIEND. It's not a husband, or fiance, it's a BOYFRIEND. Why waste your money? My second problem with this is, why is he going on a cruise without you?? Isn't this in itself a HUGE sign that there's something wrong?? And, it was a Spring Break cruise, to top it all off. Hello?! What did you really expect to happen??

Girl #2 has caught her boyfriend sending inappropriate emails to other girls, which he discarded and had excuses for. She bought them. She moves to another state (he doesn't) for a new job and they stay together. Granted, it's only about a 3 hour drive, but that's far enough! He cheated on her with a few girls and she caught him, again, by email. And, the first time wasn't a HUGE indication? Although, I suppose in this case I shouldn't talk.. I've caught a boyfriend sending inappropriate emails and didn't dump him. Maybe I am blind, after all.


Blogger annush said...

what exactely qualifies as an "inappropriate email?"

9:47 AM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

"inappropriate" emails are flirting, naked pictures of other chicks, anything that doesn't sound like you're already taken. We're all human, we all look. LOOKING and touching and/or trying are two different things. Emails and in-person flirtations are the same thing, just because it's on a computer doesn't make it any less disrespectful.

10:28 AM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

True!! The only purpose for that is to leave yourself open to any emails you may get from someone you may like more than your current significant other.

Although, I may put "in a relationship" in mine to stop getting emails from stupid people.

10:36 AM  
Blogger annush said...

that thing about the inappropriate can one even control that?
Like i know this guy who is HAPPILY married. My friend and him e-mailed A LOT for a while. One day, they decided to hook up but it didn't go according to plan because guilt is a powerful force. Anyway, they talked about it and moved on. He is still happily married but they still email just as much as before.
Now, I understand that their "socializing" was bad. But how is their emailing bad if they know that at the end the Mrs. wins?

2:10 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

You can't really control it. Just hope they don't do it. Email flirtation is just as bad as in-person flirtation.

About the "happily" married guy.. I don't buy that. If you're HAPPILY married, then you don't even consider cheating. I am WELL aware that sometimes you have a connection with someone that you can't help. That's when you have to look at your life, your wife, possibly your kids.. if a piece of ass is that important to you to lose them over, then you're not happy to begin with. If it's not just a piece of ass, and this is someone you could possibly want to be with, then cheating is the least of your problems. Divorce is. Socializing isn't the issue. It's when it goes beyond friendship. Talking about life, music, books, whatever, is fine, but sex, flirtation and possibly naked pictures are definitely NOT fine.

Bottom line is, would you appreciate it being done to you by a significant other? If not, then chances are they won't like it much either.

Enough male bashing!! This really shouldn't be a male bashing, cuz women are just as guilty. The ones that cheat as well as the ones the man cheats with.

5:26 PM  
Blogger annush said...

how is it the woman's fault? I mean, if HE is the one who is involved and committed then why should the woman care? Unless she is the one who is committed in which case she definitely sucks too...

in any case, good thing my friend never sent any naked pictures and the emails, well, are just that...emails.

6:31 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

Yea, I guess you're right. You can't be held responsible for other people's relationships. In my humble opinion, that's a big mistake women make. They're quick to blame the "hussie" and the "tramp" without first looking to see what went wrong and why the man strayed to begin with. Other than just plain ol' horniness. They can't all just be horny.

If the emails are just emails, then no harm, no foul. I'm talking about the kind of emails where things like "Wow, you're so hot I could eat you up.. may I??" are said.

8:12 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

For the record, Joey wasn't the reason for this post. That happened a long time ago and he's a dumbass, but he's a good boy. He's not the typical male. I did get over it. It just happened to fit in the topic of conversation, so I brought it up, not planning to "out" him. I guess I didn't need to. =)

And, Joseph Michael, ALL women are not whores. Just most of them.

7:19 AM  

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