Friday, April 14, 2006

I love...

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.. Brown paper packages tied up with strings.. These are a few of my favorite things.."

I love rain & thunder, especially when I'm at home, in my pj's, feeling all kinds of lazy.

I love the feeling I get when I finish cleaning my apartment and it looks all pretty, shiny and yummy-smelling. I don't like the actual process, though.

I love really scruffy and scrappy puppies. The ones that have long, messy hair. But, I'm allergic to them, so don't buy me one.

I love work. Bizarre, yes. I love being at work and feeling like I've accomplished something good, instead of surfing the net and writing blogs.

I love hanging out with my corny family. As much as I bitch about having to attend family functions, I like sitting there talking trash about other family members and their spouses.

I love the way you look, freshly showered, with my towel around your waist.

I love having to pack for a vacation!! I also like having to pack to come back home.. after a few days I start to get home sick and wanting my silly life back.

I love cooking a really good meal that people actually like. Please, compliment me! Unless I burn the French Toast, which is never good.

I love eyes. What's that saying? Eyes are the windows to your soul? Very true.

I love Michael Rosenbaum. Ok, that doesn't really go with this post, but I do love him!!

I love sitting around with my friends, playing board games. Bars and clubs are cool on occasion, but I'd rather sit around and chat.

I love crafts! I never have time for it, but I love to make stuff. I like being a big geek.

I love reading other people's blogs. Everyone else's life always seems so much more interesting than mine.

I love being alone. Sometimes I just love sitting home on a Friday night, doing laundry and watching "Conviction." Does that make me a loser?

Lastly, I love Color Me Badd. And, Chicago. Sad, I know. Someone shoot me. If the one above this doesn't make me a loser this one definitely will.

PS: I don't love "The Sound of Music," the song just seemed appropriate.


Blogger gotbrains? said...

Come back and I'll cook you something. LOW FAT!

I love milk too much to have curdled milk. There may be week-old chinese food in there, though.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For once, no snarky comment. I just wanted to tell you that it was a really good blog.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love sitting around playing board games too, but I hate when the games turn to bloodshed...and it's always my doing :(

1:39 PM  
Blogger annush said...

i love how you've evolved...
and i do love your desserts :)

2:18 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

Vickie, between you and Gabriel, the games always turn to bloodshed. That, and Armando's constant cheating. Heh.

8:40 AM  

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