Saturday, April 29, 2006

Anger Management 101

Life is too short to be so angry and annoyed all the time. All of you know, ad nauseam, that I have issues when it comes to my place of employment. Yesterday some stuff really got to me, and that got to me. I hate that I am so angry about stuff. I hate that I can't seem to just let things go. Life is short. I want to enjoy what little I may have left (morbid, I know, but no one knows when they'll die!!) with my friends/family and not worry and obsess so much over stupidity. A perfect example of this is my tourett's-syndrome driving. Have any of you ever been on the phone when I drive? Or, even in the car with me?? I'm quite angry and may sound like I have tourett's syndrome, cuz the curses just roll off my tongue CONSTANTLY. It doesn't help that people around here can't drive, but why can't I just let it go? It's not worth the aggravation.

In an attempt to curb my stress/anger issues, I spent my Friday night in the self-help aisle of Barnes N Noble. Sad, I know. I bought 2 books to read in the next week (before school starts, again): "Stress Management" and "The Disease To Please." The second book is to help with my "yes" girl attitude. I want to be selfish and not do things to please other people all the time. I have a hard time saying no. Which, if you think about it, makes no sense? I'm angry, annoyed, stressed and I can't say no. How does that work? I'm a walking contradiction.

I haven't started my books, yet. I'm about to go to Starbucks for a comfy couch, a non-fat latte and a sugar-filled cupcake. I know, more contradiction. Don't try to analyze me. You'll get a headache.

Wish me luck.


Blogger annush said...

I don't know what people did before self help books...Wow...
But yeah, good luck with that anger management bit just don't get too soft either...I wouldn't want to hang around with someone who goes around saying No all the time but can't manage to say a few colorful expressions along with it!

9:09 AM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

You see, I don't want to lose my personality in this quest for peace, either. I think people are amused by the angry, sarcastic, bitterness in me. However, my health and stress levels are not worth other people's amusement!! I willl still be sarcastic and a pessimist, just (hopefully) be able to handle stress and anger better!! =)

Not to mention, I may not be as angry when I drive, but I will still curse like a sailor!

12:26 PM  
Blogger annush said... make %#&m, $#@^, and @$$#&%* sound so sexy...hahaha

Seriously though, yeah, stress and anger can really take a toll on your health...I'm glad youa re working on that!!! and if all else fails, then don't forget to count to 10 (or like in my case, eight thousand and fifty eight)

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should read "The Disease To Please" first, because much of your anger has to do with how you feel after you say yes to something you wish you hadn't said yes to. You get mad at that person and you get mad at yourself.

I'm a moody prick, and I say no to everything, yet for whatever reason, everyone loves me. You can say no and still be liked, too!

Don't worry about your potty mouth while driving. Those who have driven in Miami (and especially Hialeah) would understand.

11:17 AM  

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