Thursday, April 27, 2006

Things you should have learned as a child...

It's "Bring Your Nosepickers To Work" day!! The sound of children's laughter fills the air and I feel like throwing up.

Are there things that you should have learned as a child, but never did? Like, you still can't seem to share your toys? I was a spoiled/sheltered brat as a child. I shopped at Bloomingdales and ordered ice cream sundaes to be delivered to me by a little asian man on a bike in the middle of December (I'm from NJ, remember?).

I can't ride a bike. The first thing that comes to mind on this topic is the fact that I cannot ride a bike. I just never learned. I was put on training wheels and never got off of them. I think it was mostly a paranoia of falling, because the one phrase I can clearly remember from my family as a child was, "Cuidado, te vas a caer!" (For the gringos: "Be careful, you'll fall!")

I can't cook. Well, I try to cook, but I'm not that good at it. I'm the queen of the recipe, though. I can follow directions, and measure 1/4 teaspoons, like nobody's business!! Coming from a Sicilian/Cuban family, you'd think I would have learned to make something! Rice and beans, tomato sauce.. something! But, alas, I cannot cook. I'm a hell of an eater, though!! I can make a mean bowl of cereal without a recipe, too!!

Good study habits!! I'm the worlds biggest procrastinator. I will take an internet class, do NO work for 2 months, then read 15 chapters the week before the final. Luckily, I have pretty good short-term memory, or I'd be screwed. I always yell at myself at 3am the night before the test, but I continue to do the same thing. Don't ask me what I learned in Administrative Law this semester.. that final was last week, so it's all gone by now.

Sex. I don't think my mom ever had a 'birds & bees' talk with me. I still wait for the stork to drop off my baby on my doorstep.. or, do I have to married first? We just never discussed the topic AT ALL. Maybe if we had spoken about sex I wouldn't have been such a hoochie in high school?? Maybe not..

Shaving. For some reason my mother hadn't mentioned anything about shaving my legs to me until I finally asked her about it.. in like 8th grade. Little did I realize that everyone was making fun of me and my hairy legs all through middle school. As if the coke-bottle glasses and larger-than-life lips weren't enough to get me called names, but then I was hairy, too. Damn you, mother.


Blogger annush said...

you really do need to learn to ride a bike...if only for that baby the stork will leave by your front door...

2:22 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

Actually, I think the reason my mom never told me about shaving was because she wanted me to wax, instead. So, when I asked her about it and wanted to be de-haired she waxed me for the first time. I broke out in hives all over my little 13 yr old legs (I have very sensitive skin). So, needless to say, I've never done it since.

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're too hard on yourself when it comes to your cooking. Everyone starts off just following recipes. After a while, you won't need 'em. Besides, unless it's soup, your cooking is awesome.

My parents never had the sex talk with me either, but I'm actually grateful for that. Yvette, you know both my parents, can you imagine either one of them sitting down with me when I was a child to talk to me about sex? Yikes.

I think my cousin Alexis explained it best, back when I was about seven or eight years old:

ALEXIS: Here's the dick.
(with his left hand, he extends his pointing finger)

JOEY: Okay.

ALEXIS: And here's the pussy.
(with his right hand, he makes a loose fist, creating an "O")

JOEY: Right.

ALEXIS: The dick goes inside the pussy.
(shoves his left pointing finger into the "O" of the loose fist from his right hand)

JOEY: Really?

ALEXIS: Yeah. That's what a fuck is.

On top of that, my father's astonishingly (and disturbingly) large porno collection was helpful.

If not for my cousin's admittedly crude explanation, as well as my dad's porno collection, I would be totally lost when it comes to sex.

6:27 PM  

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