Monday, May 22, 2006

Is it the beginning or is it the end?

I have a problem with starting projects and never finishing them.  I'm a guy like that.  I always want to get my hands into everything at once, but never follow anything to the end.  I'm a big craft geek.  Right now I'm working on some paintings for my mom that I wanted to have done for her on Mother's Day.  Yea, that didn't happen.  I'm also in the middle of working on my scrapbook for my vacation last year and I have yet to start the one for my San Fran trip this year.  I'm in the process of reading 3 books, and I also go to school full-time and work full-time.  I'm also trying to make time to go to the gym at least 5 times a week.  Where is the time?  Where is the time to finish the things I want to do?  I have no time for myself and that frustrates me.  This is such a cliche, but there need to be more hours in a day.  Or maybe I just need to manage my time better?  Obviously, my priorities should be work and school (not necessarily in that order), but I don't want them to be!!  My priorities should be what I WANT, not what I HAVE to do. Who says I HAVE to do them?? I do. I have to do them to have a good, stable job where I can make decent money and slack off. In order to get both I need a degree. I don't want to be a supervisor or director of anything. I just want to be a tiny, little sliver of a very large, sometimes well-oiled-machine. I want to work to live, not live to work.

Who decided what the life cycle would be like, anyway? You spend your youth, or should I say waste your youth, trying to get older quickly.  Little do we realize what awaits us at the other end:  work, overtime, sucky salaries, mortgage payments, children, ball-n-chain(s) (again, not necessarily in that order). Why doesn't life start out really hard, then get easier as we go along? We should be born all-knowing and quickly shoved into the working world, then as we age we get dumber and more senile. They do say ignorance is bliss, after all. At this point we've worked hard for 60+ years, so now someone just takes care of us as we go backwards in time and enjoy our lives and lack of responsibility. I guess one could consider retirement in this way.. you go into a retirement home and people take care of you, but somehow it's different. At least when you're young you have the energy to be able to do what you want. When you're REALLY old and senile, you just sit around staring at your toes and drooling. We should be able to enjoy the end of our lives, otherwise, what's the point of living?

You're born and grow up too quickly, but have no responsibilities and all the energy in the world. You go to school, you learn, you get older. You finish school, you have to get a job and pay bills, you no longer have the energy you used to. 60 years later you're completely exhausted and just need a looooong break. Then, you worry about money and where it's coming from, cause lord knows you're not gonna make shit off of your social security checks. You're too old to really enjoy your grandkids and you no longer travel because airplanes give you heartburn and gas. So, you spend the last few years of life sitting in a rocking chair saying things like, "When I was your age I was hip!! I used to rock out at Jimmy Buffet concerts!! Your grandma sure knew how to party! Oh, be a dear and fetch grandpa his dentures, I think he left them on the porch, again!!"

So, again I ask, what's the point of living if you're not going to enjoy the end?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, you just depressed the shit outta me.

Okay, I bounced back. I love being the "half-full" type!

You make some valid points, and for the most part, you're right. They key is to sprinkle some things in your life that you can look forward to. If you have nothing going on for the next year other than school, work, and eat/sleep/shit, then you need to make some changes. Give yourself something to look forward to, whether it's a vacation, saving up for a really cool car, or even an hour-long massage.

The sad fact is that as you get older, the days go by shorter. I only sleep four hours a day because 24 hours isn't enough for me to do everything I wanna do. So I sacrifice sleep.

Blah, I'm rambling.

I have trip I'm taking in early June, and I'm really looking forward to that!

10:04 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

Ha! I promised I wouldn't write any more depressing blogs. I didn't really mean for it to be depressing, though. My apologies!

7:08 AM  
Blogger annush said...

babe, we need to move to Europe. Like now. LET'S GO!!!!!

7:58 AM  

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