Sunday, May 21, 2006

What exactly is in the special sauce?

"I guess we should feel some sort of guilt, but she broke the cardinal rule; NEVER FUCK WITH PEOPLE WHO HANDLE YOUR FOOD."

For anyone who has ever been rude or obnoxious to a waitor/waitress I have one recommendation for you: "Waiting." This movie will cure you of any feelings you may have that your waitstaff is 'beneath' you. I don't understand what possesses people to be mean to the people handeling their food??

I've heard several stories from people in the food service industry and I've been friends with enough waiters to know it's all true. I had an ex that worked at a pizza joint who admitted to jerking off in the pizzas before they went in the oven for those special customers. I've also known a few ice cream scoopers who would do really gross stuff, too. Personally, I could never work in the food service industry. Actually, I don't think I could be in any kind of customer service industry. People suck and they deserve everything they get. Who are you to be that demeaning to someone?

What about tipping? I'm an avid tipper. Unless the service is ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS they will get 20%. If the service was that bad then they'll only get 10%. I've worked for tips before, I know how much it sucks. People don't realize that waitors/waitresses only make $2.50/hour at most, so they depend on tips. Luckily, I was making a better salary than that, so the tips weren't everything I had to depend on. I also didn't have to share my tips with anyone. Waitstaff also have to share with busers, although most of the time they lie and screw them.

Moral of the story: if you are one of those obnoxious people, or a really bad tipper, rent "Waiting." You NEED to see it.


Blogger annush said...

Uff...I can't even imagine what people have done to my food...
i can be pretty awful...

11:02 AM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

I NEVER send food back. That's the worst thing you can do!! Cuz then not only do you annoy the waiter, but you annoy the cook, too.

1:28 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

What does pasting your inspection grade really do, though? It's a nice try, but they can still fuck with your food. If you go into an "A" restaurant and act like an ass you're still gonna get boogers and dandruff in your food.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One night while working at Larry's Ice Cream (I got paid significantly below minimum wage, and to make matters worse, nobody thinks to tip the person scooping their ice cream), I had to deal with an asshole customer. Unbeknownst to him, I had a runny nose. Well, as I bent down to scoop the asshole's ice cream, some of my snot dripped into the tub. Needless to say, I made sure that the ice cream I scooped included the fallen snot. I watched as the fucker licked the ice cream, knowing that the momentary salty taste was from one of my bodily fluids. I'm not sorry I did it, and I fully support those who do the same thing to other asshole customers.

People who have never worked for tips simply don't get it. When they give their servers that wrinkled nose, the roll of the eyes, or that elitist attitude, they have no idea what it's like to be on the receiving end. It's hurtful, demeaning, and infuriating. Customers like that deserve what they get.

"Waiting" really is a great movie, by the way.

9:58 PM  

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