Friday, April 07, 2006

Bathroom Rules

Baby Jo-Jo says there are rules for male restrooms. Like, when you're the only one in the bathroom and there are three urinals, you must take one at an extreme end, not the middle one. That way, when someone else comes in, they don't have to stand next to you to pee. Makes sense.

There are also rules for women's restrooms. They are as follows:

1. If there is only one other person in the bathroom and 5 stalls, don't chose the one right next to her. What is the need? If she's taking a shit, do you really want a first hand sniff?

2. Make sure the toilet actually flushed completely BEFORE leaving the stall. No, this isn't your house, but when you go into the next public restroom stall, would you like to see a floater? I didn't think so. It's not a difficult task, just flush and look.

3. This next one works well for males or females, too: plop and flush, please!! Chances are if you plop and flush immediately not only will we (a) not hear the sound of your turd hitting the water, but (b) not smell much of it, either. So, don't forget to flush before those kiddies even hit the water!!

4. Wipe up your piss. This is also quite simple, ladies. I get that public restrooms are gross and you don't want to touch your precious ass to the toilet seat in fear of contracting salmonella poisoning or something but, if you urinate all over the fucking seat, please clean up after yourself. You have to wash your dainty hands after you wipe your ass, anyway, so just clean up your own piss.

5. Feminine hygiene products. If you don't have the happy little wrapper that your pad came with, must you just throw your bloody mess into the garbage can, as is? Can you not wrap it up in toilet paper, first? Much more hygienic for the poor bathroom cleaner. Who wants to look at your used pad?

All this being said, women are beautiful creatures. Soft, sweet, sometimes curvy.. but, women are also the most disgusting creatures on the planet. Just because it's not your house, doesn't mean you should trash it for the next victim.


Blogger annush said...


I agree...women's restrooms are the grossest place EVER a good percent of the time...

sometimes I think some deserve an outhouse...

3:32 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

I have a woman here at work, we'll call her Nadine, who is OCD. EVERYTIME she comes in the bathroom she cleans the sink, the stall doors, the mirrors. Then, she does her business. She comes out and cleans the sink and mirrors all over, again. And, god forbid you splash water on them!! OMG the look of death you get. One time, I was in a stall and there was a piece of toilet paper on the floor, in between me and the next stall (which she was in). The bitch leaned in and stuck her hand in my stall to pick it up!! I shoulda stepped on her damn hand.

10:09 AM  
Blogger helenahimm said...

hahahahah what a freak!!

Well my rule would be about cellphones I used to work at this place and this sales girl everytime she had a phonecall she needed to pee so she will take her cellphone to the toilet do her stuff and talking all the way and then she gets out of the restroom (no washing hands) as nothing..

The worst part was outside shen we used to go out for lunch all the colleagues she wanted to join and then wanted to share the bread they bring i told her once let me grab my bread first, she got upset and made a big fuss so i said fuck it and told her in secret I know you dont wash your hands afterr peeing..

after that day never try touch me my hand or anything just a big Hi from far and it should be!!

Probably Im a freak but hey i do a lot to try to be clean for me and for people and some people are just ewwww!!

(sorry too long hahah)

H e l e n a

12:46 PM  

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