Thursday, April 06, 2006

Losing My Religion

So, I'm having dinner last night with my mother, her boyfriend, his daughter (40s), granddaughter (14) and a friend (14). Before dinner the "adults" are sitting around chatting and somehow the topic of religion comes up. Mom's boyfriend (Jack) asks me what religion I am. Atheist. Then, my mother goes off saying I don't know what I am and I was sent to 12 years of Catholic school to come out confused. Excuse me?? You mean to tell me that just because I don't think the way you do that makes me confused, or not know what I'm talking about? My mother goes to church on weddings and funerals. That's it. Well, at least I'm not a hypocritical Catholic?!

This is the problem I have with organized religion, or jesus-freaks: the thought that your way is the only way. It's not. There are a lot of different beliefs in the world, and there is no one to say with certainty that YOUR belief is the one and only "right" one. Most people in this world, I think, are Christian or Catholic. Most people in this world are also hypocritically Christian/Catholic. They believe in the thought of "god," but don't actually practice the religion. They never go to church, they sin all the time, and I seriously doubt any confessions come out of it. But, the second I tell you I don't believe in god, hell has frozen over and you look at me with a look of horror. Why? Why is it so terrible for me not to believe in anything? At least it's honest. I didn't say I was a Manson follower, or a Satanist (which I don't think is that terrible of a "religion," but that's another topic altogether), so why the face? Isn't it better for me not to believe in anything, then believe in something you find reprehensible? Or, is my belief in nothing that reprehensible?

I went through a stage in HS where I was Wiccan. Now, 10 years later, I can admit it was just a stage and I did it purely to be "cool." However, knowing what I know about the Wiccan religion, it's fairly straightforward and a happy medium in this world of extreme. They believe in nature and doing things in balance, not hurting anyone on purpose, etc. That seems pretty cool to me. But, according to the world, Wicca isn't a religion. In fact, from my place of employment, our internet access is restricted. No porn sites, dating sites, nothing sex-related. Religion, isn't included on this list. I can look up any church website, or Baptist websites, write blogs, whatever.. What I cannot look up is Wiccan-related websites. Apparently, Wicca is considered an "alternative religion," and we're not allowed to believe in anything that teaches nature and balance.

I'm now an Atheist, mostly because I don't practice in anything specific, nor do I believe in anything specific. In all honesty, I don't know if there is a "god" or higher power up there. I don't know what happens to us when we die. No one does. But, while I live I'm going to be the best person I can be, whether or not I believe anyone is watching. According to Joey, and I agree with him, religious people are not truly GOOD people. The truly GOOD people are atheists. Religious people are only good with an ulterior motive of going to heaven in the end. Atheists that are good people, are good for the sake of being good, not because they are getting anything out of it.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with religious people. I even cried during "The Passion of the Christ." You should believe in what you want to believe in. HOWEVER, when you look at me like I'm a horrible person because of my beliefs, then we have a problem. We'll also have a problem when you try to "save my soul" by preaching to me the wonders of your god. I don't care. I don't need more religious sermons in my life, I went through 12 years of Catholic school, remember? I've had my fill.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably your best blog yet.

I'm not sure what I believe in, so I stick with the "Agnostic" label. To me, the Bible is filled with fairy tales intended to keep people in line. At the same time, there's too much coincidence around us. Our planet has to be the perfect distance from the sun for the ball to get rolling, and when it does, what follows is damn near miraculous. Every part of our body serves a function, and the biology of procreation simply CAN'T be coincidence. I like to say that I believe in a "supreme entity," but this entity exists on a level that our feeble little minds can't comprehend, a concept we can't, nor will we ever, fully grasp. Instead, we create these silly little stories that are absolutely meaningless.

And that's it.

Thank you.


3:47 PM  
Blogger helenahimm said...

but guys if you doubt then you're liek me i guees agnostic.. at least thats where i put my self cuz im not sure of anything and I decided for my life that i will stop doing research about what to believe or what not to believe and i practice my own traditions...

try to live a decent life making me happy and people around that want me to... and thats it..

lif'es so 2··"$·%$·" short that i wont take more time of my life in asking myself that stuff.

well that's just my opinion.

kind regards!!

H e l e n a

12:53 PM  

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