Thursday, March 30, 2006

Homosexuality is evil! Can I get an AMEN?!

Is it homosexuality that is evil, or sodomy? If it's the latter, then I'm going to hell. For the record, I've never had anal sex, but I wouldn't be completely opposed to it. Add that to my multiple tattoos (the 'mark of the devil' according to dad) and winning personality, and I'll be supervisor in hell soon enough. Figures, I can do it down there, but not up here.

Recently, a teacher at Miami Sunset Senior High has come under fire for her religious-freak, ignorant comments about homosexuality. It seems that a "gay" themed segment was taped and aired throughout the school in which she claims that homosexuality is wrong because the queer folks cannot procreate. The reason behind sex is solely for procreation, apparently. Tell that to the billion porn companies out there. I love how these people quote the bible in chastising homosexuality, but isn't it the bible that says god forgives all? God loves all? All except gays, evidently. Get off your high horse, you religious, Nazi freaks!! YOU'RE the one going to hell with the way you disrespect and criticize other people's lifestyles. Live your own life and mind your own fucking business.

On other fag-friendly news, Massachusetts has ruled that their same-sex marriage laws are not meant to be taken out of the state. I agree. If you live in Mass, and get married in Mass, then you should stay there. FOREVER. Who says that Florida has to recognize that you were legally married elsewhere? So, when you get married in Florida, gay or straight, and you move to New York you should be made to marry all over again. If you're in the military and move around a lot, then you'll be saying your nuptials quite often. Does this mean if you're in between moves and you decide that you don't want to be married anymore it's just null and void? No divorce needed, it just never existed? That would do wonders for the divorce rate of this country. Not to mention all the out-of-work divorce lawyers.

What is it that scares people about being gay?? What's the big deal?? Just mind your own business! What do you care who I fuck or have a relationship with? Does it affect you in any way? I don't think so.

I may have a biased opinion, though... =)


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