Monday, September 11, 2006

Confessions, Part Deux

Joey recently wrote a blog on his myspace profile called "Confessions." Now, as the title suggests, these were random confessions of his. I like that idea. I'm stealing it. Thanks, Joe. So, the following are my confessions. Some are depressing, some are amusing, some are scary, some are just downright weird. It's me. I'm strange. Deal with it.

Yvette's Confessions:

1. I had a make-believe boyfriend in grade school. I used to have a huge crush on Chad Allen, so I created a boyfriend named Chad. Chad took me out on dates and bought me cheap jewelry. Sad, I know.

2. I've slept with more people than I can remember. It's not that it's such an ENORMOUS number, I have a ballpark, but I just didn't care to remember most of them. So, I don't have an exact count of my men.

3. I stole money from my grandparents when I was a kid. We used to have these book brochures in school where we could order all kinds of books and my granparents/mom wouldn't buy me any books (then, they wonder why I'm still in school 2456 years later). So, I was snooping through my grandparents closet one day and I found this envelope FULL of cash. I guess my grandpa didn't believe in banks?! I took $60 and bought a bunch of books. They never knew.

4. I've hooked up with a good friend's crush. It only happened once, but I felt horribly guilty after. She still doesn't know.. that I know of?

5. I was sexually abused as a child by my step father. To this day, I don't think my mom believes me.

6. One of the several thousand men I've slept with was married. Not separated, married. Having much marriage trouble, but married nonetheless.

7. Despite what I say, I do care what others think about me and it bothers me when someone doesn't like me. I also take criticism hard. When you have something to say about me I will want to hear it, but I'll probably resent you after.

8. I'm an extremely emotional person. I hate that about myself. I don't think I'm depressed, but sometimes I'll just sit home and cry for no reason. Or, something bad will happen at work and I'll break down. It's not because that specific incident sent me off the deep end, but just a culmination of factors that came to a head at that moment.

9. I'm afraid of being alone for the rest of my life. I'm afraid that no one will want to put up with all the baggage I come with and I'll end up an old lady with 7 cats.

10. I may want a child. If I find the right person who is willing to put up with my baggage I would probably want a child. I'm a little sad that I don't think that'll happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes. In the confessions I wrote in my MySpace blog, some people responded by calling me brave. Well, if I'm brave, then you're a fucking lionheart. What I wrote doesn't compare to what you wrote. Just what you wrote about your stepfather, even though I knew about it, was jarring to read. I hope you found it cathartic to write it all out.

11:31 PM  
Blogger annush said...

you stole from your grandparents to buy books?!?!?
Damn...I guess we can't be surprised though...I supposse that back then you weren't allowed to go to Barnes and Noble on your own yet, huh? And as teenagers we (you) "borrowed" many books from there!
This is a pattern...theft for books, and then book theft...

This is actually kind of funny.

7:40 AM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

That is kinda funny!! My book stealing days wasn't really a confession, because plenty of people know about it. I was horrible!! I've stolen cheap jewelry, CDs, books, prom dresses (don't ask) from department stores, lotsa stuff. I'm a thief. Well, I was a thief. I'm too paranoid to do that now.

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to suit shopping?...we were also supposed to have "super fun awesome time" when these bastards went on their cruise...of course that didn't i read all this horrible, sad shit and it makes me want to sing you songs and make you some soup

12:19 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

I decided not to spend money on this stupid job, so I just wore something I already had. I may change my mind for November, though. We'll see.

As for the horrible, sad shit, it wasn't meant for people to feel sorry for me!!! I've gotten over it all (especially the ONE confession everyone's really bent out of shape over). I've grown, I've moved on. It's all good. Thanks, though!

12:55 PM  
Blogger annush said...

where did you go again?
it's been like a month...write something!

8:06 AM  

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