Thursday, July 20, 2006

Cuz you're ugly with a capital U!

Florida's radio station Y-100 has been taken over in the mornings by NY/NJs Z-100. I like it. I think they're funny. They had a conversation the other day about good-looking men. Apparently, good-looking guys don't have to try as hard in relationships as your average Joe. What about really hot chicks? Does it apply for them as well? Do good-looking women not have to try as hard?

They had all these women calling and agreeing that their hot boyfriends get away with a lot just because they're hot. That's so shallow. But, I have one question for these women: what do YOU look like? If you're a hot chick with a hot boyfriend, he's not getting away with shit. It's not like you can't do any better. If you're average or unattractive that's when you're going to put up with crap from an extraordinarily good-looking significant other. That's kind of sad, though. How shallow are we? How sad is it that people are willing to date others for reasons like looks or money? Yea, he/she may look good in a bathingsuit, but how do they treat you? And how much can they really "get away" with? Have you seen the new Rhianna video, "Unfaithful?" That exists!! Is that shallowness on his part or just sheer stupidity? Would you put up with someone cheating on you just because they're hot??

Don't get me wrong, you have to be a little shallow. If there is no initial attraction to the person then you never really bother to get to know them. You have to find something cute/hot about them. But, dating someone JUST BECAUSE they're hot?

I may be the complete opposite. You have to be cute, but you can't be HOT. I couldn't deal with dating a guy better-looking than me. Heh. Not that I'm gorgeous, so these standards are pretty low (heh, just kidding), but I couldn't date Brad Pitt. There would be too much paranoia about them cheating on me with someone better than me. Men, in general, are very physical and visual. Not to mention they think with the wrong head most of the time. I need to be able to trust you and if you're that hot I can't. Not too long ago I was chatting with a hottie weather guy from a local news station who kept asking me to meet. I never did. He was too good-looking. Well, that may not have been the ONLY reason, but that's not the point. The point is: don't want no hot, hot man. I'll settle for an incredibly adorable, smart, sweet, and sexy one. To me, at least. That's all I need. I don't care what you think. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I very much agree with you, my ex was and ex-model in DR and I couldnt stand his whole model behavior the shopping, the time he spent in front of the mirror, the many women who disregarded my presence and threw themselves all over him. At first his behavior seem cute but then it just destroyed the relationship.

Now I have a sexy, adorable sweet, down to earth guy that I just love and of whom I dont have to worry women will throw themselves at him.

2:23 PM  
Blogger annush said...

I wrote a comment for this yesterday but it got deleted so i am going to try again:

I don't mind dating hot guys. I have and I love it. I love the attention they receive because it basically reaffirms that I have good taste. I am not going to sit there dowelling on the possibility that they could cheat on me because they have other choices. There is always someone who is willing to take your guy if given the chance! If they have chosen to be with me I will trust them unless they give me a reason not to. I am secure enough of myself in that way.

What worries me and gets me all bent out of shape is the wonderful guys. Guys who are not necessarily great looking but that you know are keepers. I worry (more like I obsess) that some girl is going to come and notice the gem that I found and that she is going to take him from me. I guess i worry more about the possibility of losing someone great than someone great looking...

6:29 AM  

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