Tuesday, August 08, 2006

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..

There's this guy I work with.. we'll call him Danny*. Danny is a very nice guy. He's married with two children, whom he seems to adore. He is a good-looking guy with a decent build. Danny is also a whore. He has been having an affair with an ex-co-worker of ours (who now works in another department, which is in the same building) for over a year. Danny is in his 30's and the mistress (we'll call her Michelle) is in her very early 20's. We hear Danny on the phone with both his wife and his mistress all the time (no, not at the same time) and you can always tell who he's talking to. With his wife it's just annoyance and aggravation and with Michelle it's all lovey-dovey sweetness. He tells her he loves her. All the time.

Now, what's wrong with this picture?? What is wrong with this picture is the fact that it has been well over a year that they are together, he tells her he loves her all the time and he has no intention of leaving his wife and children for her. So, why does she stay? Michelle is apparently not seeing anyone else. She won't because she loves him so much. She loves him so much she is willing to stick around and be the other woman forever? Shouldn't she deserve much more than that? Nevermind the karmic retribution of her actions, or his for that matter, this is a two-way street and they are both at fault.. I think he's a horrible person for telling her he loves her and being that way with her when he knows it will never go anywhere. She's just a stupid little girl and he should know better. He seems to be one of those people who gets off on other women falling for him. Most guys run away when you tell them you love them, this guy gets off on it. To top it all off, this is not the first chick in this building to "fall" for his charm. How stupid can you be?! How charming can he be??

Wake up, ladies!! Is the "I love you" really worth it?

*Names have been changed to protect me. I could care less about them, but if someone from work happens to see this it may not be good for me. Call me selfish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes. Dangerous territory. Hopefully no one at work (other than me, obviously) reads this, 'cause that could lead to some real awkwardness!

10:18 AM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

You're right. I've changed the names. Much to the real Danny's chagrin. Sorry, dude. =)

3:11 PM  
Blogger annush said...

You know what? I feel bad for Michelle. I mean, her being with the dude is a bad thing but the one in the relationship is the bad one who should go burn in hell!God knows what he's told her...

He should break up with her (either one).

6:19 AM  

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