Monday, February 20, 2006

Weird Habits

Apparently, I have to list my top 5 weird habits. I thought I would have a hard time narrowing the list down, but it was actually difficult to think of five. I can easily give you a dozen bad habits, but weird.. I dunno. I guess I'm not as weird as I thought I was. So, ladies & gentlemen, for your amusement:

1. Hair collecting. I shed hair like a dog. I'm surprised I'm not bald. I got really tired of putting Drain-o in the shower, and those little drain covers aren't enough. So, I collect my hair. As I shower and my hair comes out all over my hands, I stick it on the wall. I have a nice little hairball by the time I'm done. I know, I'm weird.

2. I'm constantly looking in the mirror. Is that more vain than it is weird? Is it a girl thing, or is it just me? It's an obsession, though. If I pass a mirror, I HAVE to look in it.. and it's mostly looking at my tummy. I have an obsession with tummies. I dance, too! Mostly when I'm looking in the mirror, and only when I'm alone. I'm always playing music, so I shake my booty as I dress and/or put on makeup.

3. I do this really weird thing with my tongue when I'm in deep concentration, I put it in between my bottom lip and my teeth.. I start to look a little like Bubba from "Forest Gump." Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo...

4. I cut onions with goggles on. I don't like the burning and crying, so I use painting goggles to cut onions. It works, so kiss my ass!!

5. I weigh myself at least twice a day. This one actually annoys me. I hate that I do it, but I can't help it. I guess since I used to be a pro-wrestler I'm just paranoid about getting back to those days. I weigh myself every morning, sometimes twice, and every evening.

Leave me comments with your weird habits, so I don't feel so bad. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do the first and second things on your list but the rest of that shit is freakish....especially #4

12:04 PM  
Blogger annush said...

hahaha...i do weigh myself a few times a day too...and i check myself out in mirrors...

but that goggle thing is just weird.

WHY AM I HERE???I NEED TO KEEP STUDYING! <---another weird habit: obsessive/compulsive

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often check the mirror, though for a very different reason. I check to make sure that I still exist (Descartes' quote "I think, therefore I am" isn't necessarily true, and it should be modified to "I think, therefore I think I am"), but I'm not just referring to the supposed visual proof. It's almost like an out of body experience I go through, 'cause I'm looking deeply into myself from the outside, and then I try to figure out if all existence is as superficial as it seems, or if we're here for a purpose. And if that's the case, do we each have an individual purpose or do we all one huge singular purpose?

Sometimes I chew my toenails.

7:22 PM  
Blogger gotbrains? said...

Alright, I get it!! The goggle thing is weird. I don't do it all the time, just when I'm wearing makeup I don't wanna mess up. Heh. Vanity.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhere in my computer, I have a picture of you sporting those sleek goggles while chopping onions.

Very sexy.

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I'm well aware of my imperfections (physical and otherwise), I'm a fairly confident guy. I can even border on cocky. However, if I were to lift up my shirt and check my belly whenever I pass a mirror, my self-esteem would be woefully depleted.

9:29 AM  
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9:24 AM  

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