Friday, June 23, 2006

Off With Their Heads!!

I've changed my mind. This post will probably piss most of you off and I apologize for that, but this is ridiculous. I was in support of the Mexican's fight against the new immigration laws in the US because, in reality, this country is made of immigrants. However, in light of recent events, I think that any immigrant in this country that has been here less than 10-15 years needs to be shipped back to their country. Even if that means my recent Cuban family members that jumped off the pick up truck in the middle of the Atlantic need to be shipped back to ration for rice and potatos. I'm sorry!! I'm sorry for saying this, but the harsh reality is that NO ONE can be trusted and I'm sick and tired of reading shit about terrorists planning to attack buildings 20 minutes away from where I live/work. Call me selfish. I am. I don't care. I don't want to be blown up and have little bits of my brain scattered all over 826 (for those of you that aren't Miamians, 826 is a highway). I don't even like 826, I avoid it like the plague. If you're going to scatter my brain somewhere at least blow me up somewhere nice.. like along 395, so I can have an ocean view with boats and mansions.

I don't understand how these extremist religious freaks can justify all the death and carnage they cause in the name of some stupid fucking god?!? If god exists, I seriously doubt that he wants you killing everything he has created. Who do you think you are?? Yes, we're spoiled, selfish, self-absorbed and rude, but you're the assholes spending millions of dollars to buy bombs to kill us!? You can come here and be spoiled, selfish, self-absorbed and rude too!! Why do you need to try to destroy us? Join the party, for christ's sake, don't call the cops on it! Is it jealousy? Are you jealous that our women walk around half naked and give sex away? Are you jealous that we have cars and don't have to get around on smelly camels? Have you seriously tried the Miami-Dade Public Transit System? Trust me, there's no need to be jealous. Instead of focusing all your attention on destroying our lives, maybe you should try to fix your own.



Blogger annush said...

g. it was the weekend and people do have lives outside of cyber space...

my comment is the following: it's easy to say that "they" are trying to hurt us because of our way of life. I think that's the simple person's frame of thought to make themselves feel better. If Americans hadn't butt in the way they have for years and years and years, then maybe they wouldn't be the #1 target. You see, everything you said just now? that's probably what 90% of the population of Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan and Palestine and Somalia is thinking that we are out to kill them in the name of the god that speaks to Bush saying that there MUST be democracy everywhere.
I don't agree with you on this one, and frankly, I think that everything that's happened in the US from 9/11 on has been karmatic.

5:42 AM  
Blogger annush said...

PS- and part of the reason why I left NYC was tiredness...I got sick and tired of the people in space suits, of the bomb threats in the financial buildings where I worked, of having to think that this was just a part of life...

5:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Annush, For decades and more the US has beent rying to get control of someone's land and this is just payback for it butting in.

I live in NYC just the other day the news broke on how Al-Qeada terrorist came within 45 days of attacking the subway system with poisonous gas which didnt go thru by orders of bin laden.

I take the subway everyday!!!

3:08 PM  

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