Monday, February 27, 2006

God Loves You. Everyone Else Thinks You're An Asshole.

Scratch that, not even god loves you.

My political beliefs tend to stay in the middle. I believe extremists are bad, in either case. An extreme right-wing, republican, natzi-freak is scary and an extreme left-wing, liberal, tree-huggin' nut is just as scary. Fiscally, I'm very conservative. Socially, I'm very liberal. I think people should be allowed to live their own lives, without having to answer to the rest of the world.

The reason I am talking about this is Leonard Pitts, Jr. He's a columnist for the Miami Herald (which I only read for Leonard, on occasion). Today's column is about Fred Phelps, of the Westboro Baptist Church. I refuse to link him on this blog, so you can search for him yourself. And, when you do, pay careful attention to the domain name of his CHURCH website. Fred Phelps is a psycho, Jesus-freak. He has coined the phrase, "God Hates Fags." Now, call me crazy, but after my 12 years of Catholic school, the one thing I learned (if nothing else) was that god hates no one. He forgives all, although I don't think that homosexuality is something that needs to be forgiven. Nor do I think that this blatant hatred and bigotry should be forgiven. I believe that people like Phelps should be put in jail and gang raped by 20 very large convicts. He should be made their bitch. Lipstick, pantyhose and all.

Apparently, Mr. Phelps believes that all of the casualties of the Iraq war are sacrifices made by the American people for being so tolerant of homosexuality. As if this country really is 'tolerant' of it, with that right-wing, religious nutcase in the White House?? To add insult to injury, Mr. Phelps and his natzi crew attend military funerals to celebrate the death of these poor soldiers, in front of their grieving families. Most states want to ban the right to demonstrate at military functions, and these morons are protesting that it is their First Amendment right.

Freedom of Speech. The double edged sword. I'm all for Howard Stern saying "Would you fuck me?" on the radio, but at what expense? He's been kicked off public stations and his 'freedom of speech' taken away, so what gives these morons the right to protest and not be banned?? Some people get freedom and some people don't? What are the guidelines to follow? What is going too far? "Fuck" can't be said aloud, but you can use the word "fag" and it's not offensive/degrading? You can celebrate the death of a 20 year old soldier in front of his grieving single mother, but don't you dare have a stripper masturbate on the radio!! That is just crossing the line.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I see it, if a guy has the right to stand by the funeral of a dead soldier and applaud his death, then the parents of the slain soldier have the right to walk up to that fuckwad and beat the shit out of him.

Once you exploit your freedoms, you should be man enough to deal with the consequences.

In Canada, contrary to popular belief, there is no freedom of speech. So-called hate speech is banned. Although I abhor hate speech, that's a scary precedent. Where does one draw the line? Canadians have to jump through hoops to listen to Howard Stern on satellite radio because his show because of the ban on hate speech.

When I started this response, I had a point, but somewhere along the way, I forgot what it was.

Oh well.


5:18 PM  

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